
A new perspective of banking crisis

by Matteo Manocchio 14/05/16 In response to the financial crisis that emerged in 2008, the European Commission pursued a number of initiatives to create a safer and sounder financial sector. These initiatives, which include stronger prudential requirements for banks, improved depositor protection and rules for managing failing banks, form a

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The new concession’s discipline and the role of public contracts within “Europe 2020 Strategy”

by Ilaria Madeo 14/05/16 On March the 28th 2014, in the Official Gazette, were published the new directives regarding public contracts: the Directive 2014/23/EU concerning licenses, the Directive 2014/24 /EU about contracts in ordinary sectors, which replaced the Directive 2004/18/EC, and the Directive 2014/25/EU, which substituted the Directive 2004/17/CE and

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Whistleblowing: workers against corruption

by Camilla Cavallucci 13/05/1 Ronald Reagan in 1986 introduced in the US legislation the False Claim Act: every citizen can sue the public official who violates the fundamental principles which characterize his assignment, seeing paid 15-20 percent of reimbursements obtained from the State at the end of the proceedings. This

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La rapidità e l’efficacia dell’azione amministrativa tedesca tra formalità e informalità: un confronto con il formalismo e gli istituti di semplificazione italiani.

di Cristiano Merluzzi 17/04/16 La disciplina del procedimento amministrativo tedesco (Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz, o VwVfG) è improntata su un delicato equilibrio tra tutela dei diritti fondamentali del cittadino ed esigenza di fornire alla Amministrazione dei poteri e degli strumenti per agire in modo rapido ed efficiente; una disciplina federale e generale del

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